Rally Obedience
Saturdays 4:00-5:00pm
Click on the dates of the class you want to attend and it will bring you to the sign up.
Rally Obedience is 6 sessions. You can attend any 6 sessions in the 8-week period.
Rally Obedience, often referred to simply as Rally or Rally-O, is a dog sport that combines elements of obedience training with a fun and interactive obstacle course. Unlike traditional obedience where exercises are performed in a strict sequence, Rally Obedience courses are designed with a series of stations, each marked with a sign that displays a different obedience exercise to perform. Handlers and their dogs navigate the course at a brisk pace, performing various commands such as sits, downs, stays, and recalls, as indicated by the signs. The course may also include challenges like weaving through cones, jumping over low hurdles, or pivoting in place. The emphasis is on demonstrating teamwork, precision, and enthusiasm as the dog and handler complete the course.
Class will be limited to five students at a time.
*Your dog should have basic obedience skills before attending this class.
Rally Obedience, often referred to simply as Rally or Rally-O, is a dog sport that combines elements of obedience training with a fun and interactive obstacle course. Unlike traditional obedience where exercises are performed in a strict sequence, Rally Obedience courses are designed with a series of stations, each marked with a sign that displays a different obedience exercise to perform. Handlers and their dogs navigate the course at a brisk pace, performing various commands such as sits, downs, stays, and recalls, as indicated by the signs. The course may also include challenges like weaving through cones, jumping over low hurdles, or pivoting in place. The emphasis is on demonstrating teamwork, precision, and enthusiasm as the dog and handler complete the course.
Class will be limited to five students at a time.
*Your dog should have basic obedience skills before attending this class.